Pachira aquatica

Unfortunately money doesn’t grow on trees, but you can grow your own money tree! The Money Tree is rumoured to bring luck and prosperity to its owner, making it a popular choice for housewarming gifts, newlyweds or office spaces. With it’s distinct five leaf pattern and braided trunk, the Money Tree is certainly a unique and lucky plant to have in your home!


Money Trees have fairly easy lighting requirements, as long as it has some bright, indirect light, it should be happy! Be sure to avoid direct sunlight as that will scorch the leaves, but too little light can cause discoloration and slow growing. The Money Tree can also survive under fluorescent lighting, making it a great choice for an office (especially considering its prosperity rumours!). Although it may not grow as quickly under fluorescents, it should be happy to keep its office buddy company.

Watering + Humidity

Consistent watering is important! When the top 2 – 4 inches of soil are dry, your Money Tree will need a big drink until water comes through its drainage holes. After it’s been watered, your money tree is happy to be left alone until its soil is dry again. Money Trees do love humidity, so misting regularly or placing it near a humidifier will keep this plant content.

Soil + Potting

As always, planting in a well-draining potting mix is essential for tropical plants. Money Trees can be susceptible to root rot, so adding some drainage stones or perlite is beneficial for a happy plant.


Dropping or yellowing leaves? Check the moisture level of the soil! Overwatering is the most common issue with Money Trees, and can cause root rot, which leads to the leaves dropping. If you’ve overwatered your money tree, let it dry out completely before watering again. If you suspect that there is root rot, you’ll need to take your money tree out of its pot, carefully separate it from the wet soil, trim the affected roots, and repot into dry, well-draining potting mix.

Unfortunately, Money Trees are susceptible to irritating pets such as mealybugs and aphids. You may be able to see the pests, or you’ll see the evidence of them. Small yellow or brown spots and dropping leaves are often a sign of pests. To avoid having to deal with large infestations, check your plant regularly and clean it with neem oil for prevention!

Fun Facts

Money Trees are one of the plants used in feng shui practices! In feng shui, the braided stems can symbolize interconnectedness and new beginnings, while the five leaves represent the earths elements.


Are you ready to cash in on a Money Tree?